Execution Winner adalah gelar yang diberikan pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang mampu menunjukkan keunggulan dalam memformulasi dan mengeksekusi strategi. Gelar itu diberikan melalui Strategy-into-Performance Execution Excellence Award (SPEx2® Award) yang diselenggarakan oleh GML Performance Consulting bekerja sama dengan berbagai media dan akademisi. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang menyandang gelar itu menerapkan lima praktik manajemen strategi terbaik, dari formulasi sampai penyelarasan kembali strategi. Sayangnya, tidak semua perusahaan yang mencoba berhasil mempraktikkannya.
Secrets to Becoming an Execution Winner memuat hasil penelitian empiris terhadap berbagai perusahaan dan pimpinannya, termasuk delapan perusahaan yang memenangi penghargaan SPEx2® dan delapan perusahaan pembanding. Dari hasil penelitian itu, ditemukan bahwa yang menentukan keberhasilan perusahaan Execution Winner adalah unsur kepemimpinan ambidekster dan budaya organisasi agilitas. Buku yang merupakan kelanjutan dari buku terdahulu, Execution Winners, ini menegaskan secret recipe perusahaan Execution Winner, langkah-langkah penerapannya, disertai contoh dari perusahaan-perusahaan terbaik di dunia. Buku ini menjadi panduan penting pengembangan kemampuan eksekusi dan agilitas, terutama bagi perusahaan yang ingin tetap bertahan dan bertumbuh dalam konteks disrupsi digitalisasi dan pandemi.
Knowing is not always doing. Most individuals what they could do be more effective at their jobs, to have better social relationships, or to be more physically fit. Most leaders in organization knows that their organization should to do win in the market place, to have the right culture, and to upgrade talent. But, too often both individuals and organization do not always turn what they know into what they do. This knowing/doing gap that keeps leaders from having sustainable actions in not new, but continues to hampers personal and organization success. This book, 5 Practices of Execution Winner, is a superb summation on how to turn strategic intention into disciplined action. Most of this work that has been done in Indonesia and this work represents that the most comprehensive report on how Indonesian in individuals and organization can succeed, but the work has a much border application. The five principals offer insights that can be adapted anywhere in the world. The individual and organization implications are equally relevant to any person who wants to improve and for any leader who wants to upgrade his or her organization.
Business threats often come unexpectedly from various directions. Competitors, macro-economic uncertainty, regulatory changes, and even internal crisis could arise at any time and threaten your business. When you face a threat, any bright strategy that you have will be useless without EXECUTION. In this book, 12 Indonesian company that manages a business worth more than Rp 1.000 trillion revealed their strategy formulation and execution, especially when they staggered by the crisis, battered by the competitors, and reeling from regulatory changes and internal crisis, but then able to rise and win business competition.
Raising up a company is not an easy task. Maintaining a large company is equally difficult. Large organizations are like a fat elephant that move slowly. In fact, in the increasingly agile and dynamic business world, inaction could be the beginning of extinction. History has recorded so many large worldwide organizations that have been in business for decades suddenly went bankrupt for failing to carry out the transformation.Strategy and Execution Performance Excellence (SPEx2) helps companies formulate effective strategies and execute the strategy into superior performance. SPEx2 system has successfully encouraged a variety of encouraging various organizations to transform from a slow elephant into a dynamic elephant dancing to the rhythm of change. This strategy management system are based on GML Performance Consulting’s research and experience as a partner in strategy implementation and performance management of more than 300 organizations in Asia.
External threats to the national economy is relatively small because 85% of its structure depends on domestic consumption and investment. Kompas Gramedia Group CEO Agung Adiprasetyo express, the future of Indonesia can be seen from the queue of pilgrims, motorcycle sales and raffle home purchase.He said, the three issues describe the level of welfare is getting better, high purchasing power, and the movement of economic sectors in Indonesia. However, a number of challenges to be faced. First, Indonesia and the world economic factors that have an impact on changes in government monetary and fiscal policy. “Sometimes the issue of the crisis makes businesses postpone investment and promotion, for example, in 2008-2009,” he said 17 people representing the country’s leading company directors who contribute ideas in the book “17 CEO Menjawab 8 Tantangan Menuju Lndonesia yang Lebih Baik.”.
Vision, Mission, and Value Statement (VMV) are the soul of the organization that provide direction, inspiration and motivation to move forward. Mission is the purpose and the reason for the existence of an organization, while vision is a foresight about the organization or dream to be achieved.This book discusses the definition of VMV, the essential elements contained in the effective VMV, the stages in preparing VMV, examples and best practice of several organizations, and last but not least, the way to communicate VMV that has been made to all members of the organization.
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a management tool to maintain balance between indicators of financial and non-financial; performance indicators of past, present, and future; Internal and external indicators; Leading (Cause/Drives) and Lagging (Effect/Outcome) Indicators.This book discusses the history of the BSC, BSC implementation, and the process of cascading company’s BSC to the division level, as well as the types of KPIs and how to set them. In addition, this book also discusses the BSC automation using QPR Balanced Scorecard software.
The success of an organization is the sum of the achievement of all individuals within the organization. Hence, the quality of performance management at individual level will impact the quality and the achievement of the organization’s performance. Furthermore, the implementation of ideal individual performance management—that is integrated with strategy and performance management of the organization and other human resource management aspects, such as reward management and talent management—can become an effective tool to ensure current performance achievement as well as to guarantee the fulfillment of the organization’s needs of qualified human resources in the future.The book outlines the development of Balanced Scorecard-based Individual Performance Management. It describes the concept and practical steps to guide leaders in developing an ideal system that gives positive impact to organization, starting with the infrastructure requirement in successful implementation, then continued with detail explanation of each step in performance management cycle, and furthermore linking the system with talent management and reward management, and complemented with explanation about automation for the system in order to make it run smoothly and efficiently.
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